People Detail
^ craft\elements\Entry {#894
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"customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#896
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"**" => "**"
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"" => ""
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"content.field_heading_headingLevel" => "content.field_heading_headingLevel"
"content.field_richText_richText" => "content.field_richText_richText"
"content.field_blockquote_quote" => "content.field_blockquote_quote"
"content.field_blockquote_attribution" => "content.field_blockquote_attribution"
"content.field_accordion_accordionTitle" => "content.field_accordion_accordionTitle"
"content.field_accordion_accordionBody" => "content.field_accordion_accordionBody"
"content.field_fullwidthImage_caption" => "content.field_fullwidthImage_caption"
"content.field_table_table" => "content.field_table_table"
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"elements" => "{{%elements}}"
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0 => array:3 [ …3]
1 => array:3 [ …3]
2 => array:3 [ …3]
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0 => "and"
1 => array:1 [ …1]
2 => array:1 [ …1]
3 => array:2 [ …2]
4 => array:1 [ …1]
5 => array:1 [ …1]
6 => array:1 [ …1]
7 => array:1 [ …1]
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"matrixblocks.sortOrder" => 4
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0 => array:3 [ …3]
1 => array:3 [ …3]
2 => array:3 [ …3]
3 => array:3 [ …3]
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"matrixblocks.sortOrder" => 4
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4 => craft\fields\PlainText {#651
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6 => craft\redactor\Field {#657
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7 => craft\fields\Assets {#765
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8 => craft\fields\Assets {#732
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9 => craft\fields\PlainText {#669
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11 => craft\fields\Entries {#795
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12 => craft\fields\Assets {#870
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0 => "enabled"
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"matrixblocks.sortOrder" => 4
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0 => 9
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0 => 5871
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+peopleLastName: "Basedow"
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+peopleProfileImage: craft\elements\db\AssetQuery {#1210
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"customFields" => craft\behaviors\CustomFieldBehavior {#1215
+owner: craft\elements\db\AssetQuery {#1210}
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+projects: null
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+approachSummary: null
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+privacyPolicyLink: null
+peopleBio: null
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"**" => "**"
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0 => array:3 [
1 => array:1 [ …1]
2 => array:4 [ …4]
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"relations.sortOrder" => 4
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+elementType: "craft\elements\Asset"
+query: craft\db\Query {#1287
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+select: array:59 [
"" => ""
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"elements.uid" => "elements.uid"
"elements.enabled" => "elements.enabled"
"elements.archived" => "elements.archived"
"elements.dateCreated" => "elements.dateCreated"
"elements.dateUpdated" => "elements.dateUpdated"
"siteSettingsId" => ""
"elements_sites.slug" => "elements_sites.slug"
"elements_sites.siteId" => "elements_sites.siteId"
"elements_sites.uri" => "elements_sites.uri"
"enabledForSite" => "elements_sites.enabled"
"elements.canonicalId" => "elements.canonicalId"
"elements.dateLastMerged" => "elements.dateLastMerged"
"assets.volumeId" => "assets.volumeId"
"assets.folderId" => "assets.folderId"
"assets.filename" => "assets.filename"
"assets.kind" => "assets.kind"
"assets.width" => "assets.width"
"assets.height" => "assets.height"
"assets.size" => "assets.size"
"assets.focalPoint" => "assets.focalPoint"
"assets.keptFile" => "assets.keptFile"
"assets.dateModified" => "assets.dateModified"
"folderPath" => "volumeFolders.path"
"assets.uploaderId" => "assets.uploaderId"
"contentId" => ""
"content.title" => "content.title"
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"content.field_addressLineTwo" => "content.field_addressLineTwo"
"content.field_assetsAltText" => "content.field_assetsAltText"
"content.field_peopleBio_dfqykpii" => "content.field_peopleBio_dfqykpii"
"content.field_builderLicenceNumber_lmcnhhgd" => "content.field_builderLicenceNumber_lmcnhhgd"
"content.field_businessDescription" => "content.field_businessDescription"
"content.field_assetsCaption" => "content.field_assetsCaption"
"content.field_description" => "content.field_description"
"content.field_emailAddress" => "content.field_emailAddress"
"content.field_peopleEmailAddress" => "content.field_peopleEmailAddress"
"content.field_facebookUsername" => "content.field_facebookUsername"
"content.field_faxNumber" => "content.field_faxNumber"
"content.field_peopleFirstName" => "content.field_peopleFirstName"
"content.field_fullBusinessName" => "content.field_fullBusinessName"
"content.field_geolocation" => "content.field_geolocation"
"content.field_instagramUsername" => "content.field_instagramUsername"
"content.field_introduction" => "content.field_introduction"
"content.field_peopleLastName" => "content.field_peopleLastName"
"content.field_linkedinPage" => "content.field_linkedinPage"
"content.field_peopleMobileNumber" => "content.field_peopleMobileNumber"
"content.field_peoplePhoneNumber" => "content.field_peoplePhoneNumber"
"content.field_phoneNumber" => "content.field_phoneNumber"
"content.field_peoplePosition" => "content.field_peoplePosition"
"content.field_postcode" => "content.field_postcode"
"content.field_privacyPolicyLink_dsinltjq" => "content.field_privacyPolicyLink_dsinltjq"
"content.field_secondaryTitle_rjhfslox" => "content.field_secondaryTitle_rjhfslox"
"content.field_state" => "content.field_state"
"content.field_suburb" => "content.field_suburb"
"content.field_summary" => "content.field_summary"
"content.field_peopleTitle" => "content.field_peopleTitle"
"content.field_twitterHandle" => "content.field_twitterHandle"
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"subquery" => craft\db\Query {#1298
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-_behaviors: []
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"elementsSitesId" => ""
"contentId" => ""
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"elements" => "{{%elements}}"
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+join: array:5 [
0 => array:3 [ …3]
1 => array:3 [ …3]
2 => array:3 [ …3]
3 => array:3 [ …3]
4 => array:3 [ …3]
+having: null
+union: null
+withQueries: null
+params: []
+queryCacheDuration: null
+queryCacheDependency: null
+where: array:5 [
0 => "and"
1 => array:1 [ …1]
2 => array:1 [ …1]
3 => array:1 [ …1]
4 => array:1 [ …1]
+limit: 1
+offset: 0
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"relations.sortOrder" => 4
+indexBy: null
+emulateExecution: false
+groupBy: null
+join: array:6 [
0 => array:3 [ …3]
1 => array:3 [ …3]
2 => array:3 [ …3]
3 => array:3 [ …3]
4 => array:3 [ …3]
5 => array:3 [ …3]
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+params: []
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"relations.sortOrder" => 4
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0 => craft\fields\PlainText {#566
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+dateUpdated: DateTime @1518146100 {#571 …1}
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+handle: "addressLineOne"
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+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
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+uid: "37f4eb2d-7dd0-41ac-9a21-4bfd18378698"
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1 => craft\fields\PlainText {#565
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+id: 2
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+dateUpdated: DateTime @1518146186 {#563 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 2
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+handle: "addressLineTwo"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 1
+describedBy: null
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+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
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2 => craft\fields\PlainText {#633
-_events: []
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+id: 50
+dateCreated: DateTime @1602736314 {#634 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1602736314 {#635 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 4
+name: "Alt Text"
+handle: "assetsAltText"
+context: "global"
+instructions: "This should describe the appearance and function of an image. Screen readers read this description out to their users so they know what the image means. Alt text is also displayed on the page if the image can't be loaded for some reason."
+searchable: 1
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
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+uid: "7e34b665-96b5-462a-bca9-3a8a5765493d"
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+multiline: ""
+initialRows: "4"
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+byteLimit: null
+columnType: null
3 => verbb\supertable\fields\SuperTableField {#649
-_events: []
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+id: 62
+dateCreated: DateTime @1609990576 {#647 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1609990644 {#650 …1}
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+name: "Approaches"
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+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 0
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "site"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
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+uid: "67abb682-3f77-4402-a948-53370af420d3"
+layoutId: null
+tabId: null
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+maxRows: ""
+contentTable: "{{%stc_approaches}}"
+propagationMethod: "all"
+propagationKeyFormat: null
+localizeBlocks: false
-_blockTypes: null
-_blockTypeFields: null
+staticField: ""
+columns: array:3 [ …3]
+fieldLayout: "row"
+selectionLabel: "Add an approach"
+placeholderKey: null
4 => craft\fields\PlainText {#654
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 71
+dateCreated: DateTime @1730961770 {#655 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1730961770 {#656 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 5
+name: "Bio"
+handle: "peopleBio"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 0
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: "dfqykpii"
+uid: "2be73a43-5692-4cba-b79f-3ebfecbec4fa"
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+columnType: null
5 => craft\fields\PlainText {#660
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 69
+dateCreated: DateTime @1719458654 {#661 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1719458654 {#662 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 2
+name: "Builder Licence Number"
+handle: "builderLicenceNumber"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 0
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: "lmcnhhgd"
+uid: "05ee8f26-4335-42a0-b5d4-4b48dca887cf"
+layoutId: null
+tabId: null
+required: null
+sortOrder: null
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+placeholder: null
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+multiline: ""
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+byteLimit: null
+columnType: null
6 => craft\fields\PlainText {#663
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 42
+dateCreated: DateTime @1596973391 {#664 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1596973391 {#665 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 2
+name: "Business Description"
+handle: "businessDescription"
+context: "global"
+instructions: "A description of the business that owns the website."
+searchable: 0
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: null
+uid: "0d92db25-df15-4c1a-9c40-7765faf408ad"
+layoutId: null
+tabId: null
+required: null
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+uiMode: "normal"
+placeholder: null
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+multiline: "1"
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+charLimit: 512
+byteLimit: null
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7 => craft\fields\PlainText {#666
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
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-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 27
+dateCreated: DateTime @1547457377 {#667 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1602736642 {#668 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 4
+name: "Caption"
+handle: "assetsCaption"
+context: "global"
+instructions: "This text is shown when this image is displayed in lightboxes. Content Blocks such as Image Gallery and Full-width Image will use a lightbox to display the full-size image."
+searchable: 1
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: null
+uid: "c7b4e367-cbcf-4718-a238-ccd85b0179fb"
+layoutId: null
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+placeholder: null
+code: ""
+multiline: ""
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+byteLimit: null
+columnType: "text"
8 => craft\fields\Matrix {#674
-_events: []
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+id: 9
+dateCreated: DateTime @1518147270 {#672 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1547518167 {#675 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 3
+name: "Content Blocks"
+handle: "contentBlocks"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 1
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "site"
+translationKeyFormat: null
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+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
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+maxBlocks: ""
+contentTable: "{{%matrixcontent_contentblocks}}"
+propagationMethod: "all"
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-_blockTypes: array:10 [ …10]
-_blockTypeFields: array:10 [ …10]
9 => craft\fields\Matrix {#676
-_events: []
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-_errors: null
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+id: 38
+dateCreated: DateTime @1590057072 {#677 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1590057072 {#678 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 2
+name: "Custom Form Notification Text"
+handle: "customFormNotificationText"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 1
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "site"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
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+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: null
+uid: "e5771412-a0f5-4a3c-b8d6-9f26d314c3e7"
+layoutId: null
+tabId: null
+required: null
+sortOrder: null
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+maxBlocks: ""
+contentTable: "{{%matrixcontent_customformnotificationtext}}"
+propagationMethod: "all"
+propagationKeyFormat: null
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-_blockTypes: null
-_blockTypeFields: null
10 => craft\redactor\Field {#679
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 56
+dateCreated: DateTime @1609895441 {#680 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1609895441 {#681 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 1
+name: "Description"
+handle: "description"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 0
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: null
+uid: "9608b9d0-8aa4-447f-bca7-c231c3bc46db"
+layoutId: null
+tabId: null
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+purifierConfig: ""
+purifyHtml: "1"
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+uiMode: "enlarged"
+redactorConfig: "Simple.json"
+availableVolumes: "*"
+availableTransforms: "*"
+showUnpermittedVolumes: false
+showUnpermittedFiles: false
+showHtmlButtonForNonAdmins: ""
+configSelectionMode: "choose"
+manualConfig: ""
+defaultTransform: ""
11 => craft\fields\Email {#684
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 43
+dateCreated: DateTime @1596974372 {#682 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1596974969 {#685 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 2
+name: "Email Address"
+handle: "emailAddress"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 0
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: null
+uid: "57ab686e-e8ba-4e58-b786-6749b26b7b1b"
+layoutId: null
+tabId: null
+required: null
+sortOrder: null
+placeholder: ""
12 => craft\fields\Email {#686
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 36
+dateCreated: DateTime @1547517329 {#687 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1547517329 {#688 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 5
+name: "Email Address"
+handle: "peopleEmailAddress"
+context: "global"
+instructions: ""
+searchable: 1
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+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
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+uid: "b4d902ee-a471-4d99-ab4d-2b11587f9295"
+layoutId: null
+tabId: null
+required: null
+sortOrder: null
+placeholder: ""
13 => craft\fields\PlainText {#689
-_events: []
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-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
-_scenario: "default"
+id: 44
+dateCreated: DateTime @1596974586 {#690 …1}
+dateUpdated: DateTime @1596974615 {#691 …1}
-_isFresh: null
+groupId: 2
+name: "Facebook Username"
+handle: "facebookUsername"
+context: "global"
+instructions: "The username for your Facebook Page, without the preceding @."
+searchable: 0
+describedBy: null
+translationMethod: "none"
+translationKeyFormat: null
+oldHandle: null
+oldSettings: null
+columnPrefix: null
+columnSuffix: null
+uid: "700f2c17-f2fe-402b-ba8b-7920956bf646"
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+uiMode: "normal"
+placeholder: null
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+multiline: ""
+initialRows: "4"
+charLimit: null
+byteLimit: null
+columnType: null
14 => craft\fields\Assets {#692
-_events: []
-_eventWildcards: []
-_behaviors: []
-_errors: null
-_validators: null
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15 => craft\fields\PlainText {#695
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16 => craft\fields\Assets {#698
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17 => craft\fields\Entries {#704
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+dateUpdated: DateTime @1547517155 {#707 …1}
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20 => craft\fields\PlainText {#715
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+dateUpdated: DateTime @1596974300 {#717 …1}
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+instructions: "The legal business name."
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21 => craft\fields\Assets {#718
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22 => ether\simplemap\fields\MapField {#723
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+dateUpdated: DateTime @1564535341 {#724 …1}
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23 => craft\fields\Assets {#767
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24 => craft\fields\PlainText {#770
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+dateUpdated: DateTime @1596974814 {#772 …1}
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+context: "global"
+instructions: "The username for your Instagram Page, without the preceding @."
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25 => craft\redactor\Field {#773
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+dateUpdated: DateTime @1609974617 {#775 …1}
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26 => craft\fields\PlainText {#776
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27 => craft\fields\PlainText {#786 …36}
28 => craft\fields\PlainText {#792 …36}
29 => craft\fields\Entries {#798 …45}
30 => craft\fields\PlainText {#801 …36}
31 => craft\fields\PlainText {#804 …36}
32 => craft\fields\PlainText {#807 …36}
33 => craft\fields\PlainText {#810 …36}
34 => craft\fields\Assets {#813 …57}
35 => typedlinkfield\fields\LinkField {#816 …38}
36 => craft\fields\Assets {#819 …57}
37 => craft\fields\Categories {#825 …46}
38 => craft\fields\Categories {#826 …46}
39 => craft\fields\Entries {#829 …45}
40 => craft\fields\PlainText {#838 …36}
41 => craft\fields\Entries {#841 …45}
42 => craft\fields\Dropdown {#846 …31}
43 => craft\fields\PlainText {#848 …36}
44 => craft\redactor\Field {#851 …44}
45 => craft\fields\PlainText {#864 …36}
46 => craft\fields\PlainText {#867 …36}
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"summary" => craft\redactor\Field {#1225
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"peopleProfileImage" => craft\fields\Assets {#1136
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date: 2019-01-15 12:23:33.0 Australia/Adelaide (+10:30)
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date: 2019-02-06 14:51:37.0 Australia/Adelaide (+10:30)
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0 => "volume:d18b92a2-1d0e-4343-a37d-de5a5703835a"
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#allowLargeThumbsView: true
#settingsTemplate: "_components/fieldtypes/Assets/settings"
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